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Pulmonary rehabilitation has resurfaced as an important rehabilitation technique in recent years due to the surge of COVID -19 across the world. Post-COVID recouping involves restoring your breathing capacity and improving overall health and wellness. Pulmonary rehab is a huge part of post-COVID rehabilitation. But pulmonary rehab can be confusing for some and might throw you into a whirlpool of questions and doubts. At Rehab Store, we have answered the five most asked questions about pulmonary rehabilitation
Pulmonary rehabilitation is an exercise and treatment program designed to help enhance your respiratory system and help you understand respiratory health and overall body fitness. The process of pulmonary rehabilitation begins with understanding the condition you suffer from or have suffered from. Then the effects of these conditions on your respiratory health are diagnosed. A medical professional then pulls up a pulmo rehab plan that includes breathing exercises, fitness exercises, and other rehabilitation therapies such as electrotherapy to help enhance the process. An effective pulmonary rehab program not only helps manage chronic respiratory conditions but also helps enhance lung health and prevent future conditions.
There are two reasons one would choose pulmonary rehabilitation, recouping from a respiratory condition or improving the strength of your respiratory system. If you have been affected by COVID-19 or another chronic respiratory condition, pulmonary rehab becomes an important part of your healing phase. Chronic respiratory conditions such as COVID affect the lungs which might result in shortness of breath, fatigue, breathlessness, and chest pain. Pulmo rehab helps manage these effects by strengthening the lungs, improving the strength of the chest muscles, and increasing a person’s lung capacity.
Pulmonary rehab is definitely possible at home but there are small things you should ensure before you begin practicing at home. Pulmo rehab involves training and enhancing one of the most important systems of the human body, the respiratory system. The slightest of mishaps can damage the respiratory system or can impede the ongoing healing process. Always consult a medical professional or begin the rehabilitation process by visiting a clinic for a while. This will help you understand the process of pulmonary rehabilitation and ensure that the practices you undertake while managing respiratory health are correct and offer the best output.
Although pulmonary rehabilitation can be administered by an individual on themselves, the procedure begins with the help of a medical professional. The best individual to help you understand Pulmo rehab and design the pulmo rehabilitation program for you is a respiratory therapist. They can understand your condition correctly and then design a plan that can suit all your respiratory needs. Your pulmonary rehabilitation program will usually begin at a hospital or a clinic where medical tests will help the respiratory therapist understand your problem. The therapist will then train you on how to execute the program at the clinic and then at home. Once you have started the program and the therapist permits, you can continue the pulmo rehab program at home.
The exact cost of pulmonary rehabilitation directly depends on the condition you have been affected with and the intensity of the condition. In cases of COVID or COPD the pulmonary rehabilitation program has to be done with utmost care and for a longer time than other conditions and hence would cost more than the other programs. If you have medical insurance, there is a chance it might cover all your costs of PR or certain costs of the program. You can always consult your doctor/therapist or a rehabilitation program coordinator who can see if your program qualifies for the medical insurance or mediclaim you have.
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