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Rehab Store has the perfect knee brace to help with your meniscus tear.
A knee injury can seriously hamper your get-up and go. One common injury that can keep you out of the game is a meniscus cartilage tear. After a meniscus tear injury, finding a way to keep the joint stable as you regain mobility and strength can be crucial to avoiding reinjury. Rehab Store can explain what the meniscus cartilage is, why it’s crucial to your everyday pain-free existence, and can show you a perfect brace to get you back in the game!
So, what exactly is the meniscus, what does it do, and how did you tear it? Basically, the term meniscus refers to the cartilage in your knee (either lateral or medial meniscus). It creates a cushion between your two leg bones at the knee joint. Without it, your leg bones rub together causing pain and difficulty walking. Symptoms of a meniscus tear can include:
These symptoms can be brought on by an acute injury or trauma to the knee by forceful rotation/twisting or direct force on the knee by kneeling, squatting, or even improper lifting. There are risk factors that can lead to a torn meniscus such as obesity, injury from sports, and osteoporosis.
Once your doctor has diagnosed your meniscus tear, treating it can be a multifaceted task. Treatment can range from surgery to physical therapy to just medication. Your rehab road may benefit from the right knee brace to complement your therapy. We carry a wide range of knee braces to fit your needs.
VertaLoc Max OA Knee Brace is designed to offer stability and ease pain, this double vertical orthosis is easy to use and constructed to comfortably maximize knee support. Available in sizes ranging from small-4x large and left/right leg options, it features a fully adjustable motion hinge while also providing rotation control. It comes with one set of seven pads.
The flexible application and exceptional support of the Comfortland Hinged Knee Brace are perfect throughout the post-operative rehab process. Designed for mild injuries to the lateral ligaments, meniscus, and patellar retinaculum, the front closure system, and elastic straps allow for easy application and adjustments. The lateral hinges that provide ligament support can be adjusted to limit extension between 0° and 60°.
Bort StabiloGen Eco Patella Adult Knee Brace provides support for injured tissue structures such as joints, ligaments, cartilage, and capsules. It supports the ligaments through compression while providing a high degree of prevention from incorrect movements. The SOFTflex knitted fabric provides more elasticity, stability, and comfort for extended wear. Ideal for chronic, post-traumatic, or post-operative irritations of knee joint soft tissue, ligament instability, and meniscopathy.
Our knees take a beating and that little layer of cartilage called the meniscus is all that keeps us from experiencing pain. When you tear it, the rehab can take time and your knee brace can help stabilize your knee joint during the process.
Check with your doctor or physical therapist to make sure the knee brace you choose is proper for your injury and rehab. Be diligent and regain your mobility!
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