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Tube feeding plays an important role in delivering the required nutrition to patients with poor voluntary intake, chronic mechanical or neurological dysphagia, or gut dysfunction. Tube feeding formula or tube feed is a liquid form of nutrition that is delivered to the body with the help of a feeding tube. It includes all the essential nutrients required by the body on a regular basis like carbohydrates, proteins, fat, vitamins, minerals, and water
Tube feeding plays an important role in delivering the required nutrition to patients with poor voluntary intake, chronic mechanical or neurological dysphagia, or gut dysfunction. Tube feeding formula or tube feed is a liquid form of nutrition that is delivered to the body with the help of a feeding tube. It includes all the essential nutrients required by the body on a regular basis like carbohydrates, proteins, fat, vitamins, minerals, and water. These nutrients are similar to what we get from normal food, and are digested in the same way. Patient Room offers a wide range of tube feeding formulas from top-selling brands like Abbott, Nestle Nutrition, Medical Nutrition, etc.
Nutritional requirements are different for different individuals. The type of tube feeding formula you are recommended depends on a number of factors like your weight, height, medical condition, activity level and many more conditions. Tube feeds are basically classified into the following types: