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Rehabilitative therapy is an umbrella term used to describe a range of therapies based on some primary goals that may include recovering from a long-term illness or injury, stroke, cardiac problems, surgical procedures, etc.
These therapies help us regain our functional abilities before they are lost due to these events. After you or a loved one have undergone an injury or illness while recovering from surgery, your doctor may recommend rehabilitation to speed up the recovery process. Rehabilitative therapy is carried out by trained therapists in controlled environments and helps in
Rehab Store offers many products to aid in rehabilitation, classified according to the rehabilitation therapy recommended by your healthcare professional. Check out our wide selection of products from top manufacturers, including Fabrication Enterprises, Patterson Medical, North Coast Medical, Polar Products, and many more.
Physical Therapy or Physical rehabilitation programs are aimed to improve body movements affected due to any injury or illness. It targets the injured body part to restore movement, strength, stability, or function to the maximum possible. Physical therapists do so with the help of targeted exercises and various other physical therapy equipment. If you or a loved one are experiencing pain, stiffness, or loss of function in any part of your body, you can consult a physical therapist who will help you get back to normal.
The word occupation means something that keeps you busy. It may be routine tasks, including self-care practices like toileting, bathing, dressing, or grooming. Carrying out these tasks may be different for everyone. Therapy sessions with your occupational therapists may include exercises to:
Occupational therapy aims to enable individuals to live independent lives and participate in activities they love for a more satisfying lifestyle.
It is a therapy designed to enhance an individual's lung function and improve their breathing capacity. Breathing disorders can hamper your quality of life to a great extent. Respiratory treatment helps in reducing the impact of such conditions. Respiratory therapists are trained professionals who work towards:
Cognitive therapists are professionals who intervene to improve a person's ability to perform cognitive tasks and improve memory, reasoning, and thinking abilities. Cognitive therapy works with patients to retain previously learned skills and teach new compensatory strategies.
Balance therapy programs are designed for individuals with balance problems. It is given to improve conditions like
Rehab Store offers a wide range of equipment and supplies used in various therapy programs by professionals. We have quality products from well-known brands. Additionally, we have products for therapies, including balance therapy, cognitive rehabilitation, physical therapy, etc. Shop for rehab products and earn rewards on every purchase.