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Night Splints for Plantar Fasciitis are designed to be worn at night before bed because they allow your ankle to be gently but continuously stretched, preventing stiffness. Additionally, despite immobilizing and supporting your ankle, night splints keep your foot in a neutral position with the toes pointed up. Injuries, sprains, fractures, and foot or ankle surgery all require rehabilitation, which is why night splints are used.
A plantar fasciitis brace can treat different foot issues affordably and effectively. Sock splints keep the foot in a dorsiflexion position as you sleep, preventing the calf muscles or plantar fascia from shortening. Your foot no longer experiences the severe discomfort you get when you put on the night splint.
Several night splints designed to aid in fascia healing don't differ much from one another. Rehab Store provides secure, dependable, and long-lasting night splints. With these simple-to-use and pleasant-to-wear devices, you can get relief from heel pressure, plantar fasciitis, and Achilles tendinitis. Additionally, many types can be worn at night to encourage restful sleep and healing by breaking the cycle of morning pain or nighttime recovery.
Patients in need of regular compression in the lower extremity due to problems like Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, and other lower extremity injuries.
Plantar Fasciitis can be treated with small lifestyle changes. You can also try stretching and exercising, icing, massaging your feet, and wearing night splints. Orthotic inserts are recommended to support the plantar fascia and allow it to heal, as well as to prevent the recurrence of the pain once the plantar fascia has healed. In some cases, surgery may be required to heal the problem.
A plantar fasciitis may take 3 to 12 months to heal completely. Medical treatment, along with an ankle splint, can help your foot heal faster.
Sock night splints are available in many forms, materials, shapes, and flexion abilities. The foot slips into the splint like a sock, which is more comfortable and soft to sleep with. These splints provide the right amount of compression.
Night splints are designed to be worn as you go to bed to provide a gentle but constant stretch in your ankle to avoid stiffness. Night Splints maintain the foot in a position with the toes pointed up, immobilizing your foot and supporting the ankle.
We offer a large selection of night splints from well-known manufacturers at the Rehab Store, including Comfortland, Breg Incorporated, Patterson Medical/Performance Health, and many more.