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Alzheimer’s Disease: What is it?  

A progressive neurologic disorder that causes loss of memory and other important brain functions due to atrophy (shrinking) or dying brain cells. Alzheimer’s disease causes dementia (a disease characterized by decreasing ability to think, behave and socialize) that affects a person’s ability to live independently.  It generally begins with mild memory loss leading to a reduction in ability to carry on conversations and respond to stimuli. Parts of the human brain that control language, memory and thought are affected by this disease. It progresses gradually as a person ages but can greatly affect a person’s ability to carry out daily tasks. Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease show up after 60 and worsen as the person ages. Younger people may suffer from Alzheimer’s but it is not very common.  

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease 

  1. Memory loss that hampers the ability to carry out daily tasks 
  2. Poor decision making and judgment 
  3. Loss of sense of initiative and spontaneity 
  4. Losing the sense of direction, time and date 
  5. Taking longer to accomplish simple tasks 
  6. Repeating same questions and forgetting recent information.  
  7. Trouble handling money or paying bills 
  8. Getting lost and wandering 
  9. Changes in mood and personality  
  10. Anxiety or aggression.  

Alzheimer's and dementia care: Tips for daily tasks 

Taking Care of patients with Alzheimer’s disease requires patience and flexibility. It may include limiting choices and establishing daily routines. Schedule important tasks like bathing or doctor’s visit at the time the patient is most active. As the disease progresses, know that daily tasks will take longer than usual. Stay prepared and dedicate more time for them. Take help of assistive devices and involve them in as many activities as possible with least assistance. Keep the instructions simple for them to understand easily. Limit napping for long intervals to avoid day/night reversal. Keep distractions as low as possible while talking to them or at mealtimes. Keeping them safe is of high importance to prevent injuries.  

  1. Fall prevention: Anything that can clutter the living space can be a cause of falls for elderly people with Alzheimer’s. Decluttering the living area and installing grab bars and handrails in critical areas can help. Non slip socks and shoes can help keep them safe and warm. Install non-skid fall mats beside the bed, at the staircase ends, and at thresholds.  
  2. Install Locks: Keep all sharp objects, toxic cleaning supplies, medicines, tools, and alcohol locked away in cabinets out of the patient’s reach.  
  3. Water Temperature: Check the water temperature to be warm and not too hot to prevent burns while bathing or showering.  
  4. Fire Safety: Keep matches and lighters out of reach of dementia patients and always have fresh batteries installed in fire and smoke detector alarms. Supervise smoking if the patient is an active smoker. 

Where To Buy Alzheimer’s And Dementia Care Supplies Online?  

How to help a patient with Alzheimer’s disease? If you have the same question in mind, you are at the right place. At Rehab-Store, you will find everything you need to assist Alzheimer’s patients to live with safety and independence. These assistive devices consist of raised toilet seats, bath safety products, fall safety products, cognitive rehabilitation products, dining aids, dressing and grooming Aids, and much more from top manufacturers like Performance Health, North Coast Medical, Carex Health Brands, and many more at the best prices.  

Alzheimer’s Disease: Articles and Research